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Go: The Only Backend Language You'll Ever Need?

Posted on:November 17, 2023 at 10:17 PM

Go: The Only Backend Language You’ll Ever Need?

High level schema


Transitioning from Python to Go marked a significant turn in my programming journey. Go offered a level of efficiency and clarity that Python couldn’t match, making it my go-to language for backend development.

During my Python years, the split between versions 2 and 3 created a unique challenge. Libraries and modules often required rewriting for compatibility, a task complicated by poorly written and convoluted code in some legacy systems. This period also coincided with the nascent stages of Docker, which had not yet become the deployment simplifier it is today.

Exploring a Spectrum of Languages

My quest for the ideal backend language led me to explore various options, including Elixir, Java, and others. However, none of these languages seemed to match Go’s proficiency in backend tasks. While niche languages or those geared towards system-level programming, like Rust, C++, and C, have their advantages, Go excels in a broader range of backend applications.

The ‘Golden Cage’ of Go

Despite earnestly seeking alternatives, I kept returning to Go, attracted by its balance of simplicity and power. This ‘golden cage’ scenario reflects Go’s unmatched ability to meet a broad range of backend needs.

Technical Advantages of Go for Backend Development


Looking ahead, I remain open to exploring new languages and unique use cases. However, for backend development, Go will continue to be my primary choice, except in cases where another language presents a clear advantage for specific tasks, such as low-level programming or frontend development for mobile devices.